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Pengguna Internet Terancam Denda

Diposting oleh chikuz - frizia | 11:02 PM

DALAM Rancangan Undang-Undang (RUU) tentang Informasi dan Transaksi Elektronik, banyak sanksi pidana yang akan diberlakukan kepada para pengguna internet. Selain pidana, mereka juga akan dijatuhi denda yang wow... lumayan bisa membikin jera para pelakunya. Apa saja pasal-pasal yang bisa menjerat para pelakunya? Berikut ketentuan pidananya:

Pidana 1 tahun dan denda Rp 1 miliar
Pasal 26: Setiap orang dilarang menyebarkan informasi elektronik yang memiliki muatan pornografi, pornoaksi, perjudian, dan atau tindak kekerasan melalui komputer atau sistem elektronik.

Pidana empat tahun penjara dan denda Rp 1 miliar
Pasal 27 (1): Setiap orang dilarang menggunakan dan atau mengakses komputer dan atau sistem elektronik dengan cara apapun tanpa hak, untuk memperoleh, mengubah, merusak, atau menghilangkan informasi dalam komputer dan atau sistem elektronik.

Pidana enam bulan dan denda Rp 100 juta
Pasal 22: (1) Penyelenggara agen elektronik tertentu wajib menyediakan fitur pada agen elektronik yang dioperasikannya yang memungkinkan penggunanya melakukan perubahan informasi yang masih dalam proses transaksi.
Pasal 25: Penggunaan setiap informasi melalui media elektronik yang menyangkut data tentang hak pribadi seseorang harus dilakukan atas persetujuan dari orang yang bersangkutan, kecuali ditentukan lain oleh peraturan perundang-undangan

Pidana enam bulan atau denda Rp 100 juta
Pasal 23 (2): Pemilikan dan penggunaan nama domain sebagaimana dimaksud dalam ayat (1) wajib didasarkan pada itikad baik, tidak melanggar prinsip persaingan usaha secara sehat, dan tidak melanggar hak orang lain. (Tindak pidana sebagaimana dimaksud dalam ayat (1) hanya dapat dituntut atas pengaduan dari orang yang terkena tindak pidana)

Pidana delapan tahun penjara dan denda Rp 2 miliar
- Pasal 27 (3): menggunakan dan atau mengakses komputer dan atau sistem elektronik dengan cara apapun tanpa hak, untuk memperoleh, mengubah, merusak, atau menghilangkan informasi pertahanan nasional atau hubungan internasional yang dapat menyebabkan gangguan atau bahaya terhadap Negara dan atau hubungan dengan subyek hukum internasional.
- Pasal 28 (1): Setiap orang dilarang melakukan tindakan yang secara tanpa hak yang menyebabkan transmisi dari program, informasi, kode atau perintah, komputer dan atau sistem elektronik yang dilindungi negara menjadi rusak.
- Pasal 30 ayat (1): Setiap orang dilarang menggunakan dan atau mengakses komputer dan atau sistem elektronik milik pemerintah yang dilindungi secara tanpa hak.
- Pasal 30 ayat (2): Setiap orang dilarang menggunakan dan atau mengakses tanpa hak atau melampaui wewenangnya, komputer dan atau sistem elektronik yang dilindungi oleh negara, yang mengakibatkan komputer dan atau sistem elektronik tersebut menjadi rusak.
- Pasal 30 ayat (3): Setiap orang dilarang menggunakan dan atau mengakses tanpa hak atau melampaui wewenangnya, komputer dan atau sistem elektronik yang dilindungi oleh masyarakat, yang mengakibatkan komputer dan atau sistem elektronik tersebut menjadi rusak.
- Pasal 30 ayat (4): Setiap orang dilarang mempengaruhi atau mengakibatkan terganggunya komputer dan atau sistem elektronik yang digunakan oleh pemerintah.
- Pasal 33 ayat (2): Setiap orang dilarang menyebarkan, memperdagangkan, dan atau memanfaatkan kode akses (password) atau informasi yang serupa dengan hal tersebut, yang dapat digunakan menerobos komputer dan atau sistem elektronik dengan tujuan menyalahgunakan komputer dan atau sistem elektronik yang digunakan atau dilindungi oleh pemerintah.
- Pasal 34: Setiap orang dilarang melakukan perbuatan dalam rangka hubungan internasional dengan maksud merusak komputer atau sistem elektronik lainnya yang dilindungi negara dan berada di wilayah yurisdiksi Indonesia.

Pidana 20 tahun dan denda Rp 10 miliar
Pasal 27 (2): Setiap orang dilarang menggunakan dan atau mengakses komputer dan atau sistem elektronik dengan cara apapun tanpa hak, untuk memperoleh, mengubah, merusak, atau menghilangkan informasi milik pemerintah yang karena statusnya harus dirahasiakan atau dilindungi.

Pidana 10 tahun dan denda Rp 2 miliar
- Pasal 31 (1): Setiap orang dilarang menggunakan dan atau mengakses komputer dan atau sistem elektronik secara tanpa hak atau melampaui wewenangnya untuk memperoleh keuntungan atau memperoleh informasi keuangan dari Bank Sentral, lembaga perbankan atau lembaga keuangan, penerbit kartu kredit, atau kartu pembayaran atau yang mengandung data laporan nasabahnya.
- Pasal 31 (2): Setiap orang dilarang menggunakan dan atau mengakses dengan cara apapun kartu kredit atau kartu pembayaran milik orang lain secara tanpa hak dalam transaksi elektronik untuk memperoleh keuntungan.
- Pasal 33 (1): Setiap orang dilarang menyebarkan, memperdagangkan, dan atau memanfaatkan kode akses (password) atau informasi yang serupa dengan hal tersebut, yang dapat digunakan menerobos komputer dan atau sistem elektronik dengan tujuan menyalahgunakan yang akibatnya dapat mempengaruhi sistem elektronik Bank Sentral, lembaga perbankan dan atau lembaga keuangan, serta perniagaan di dalam dan luar negeri.
- Pasal 35: Masyarakat dapat mengajukan gugatan secara perwakilan terhadap pihak yang menggunakan teknologi informasi yang berakibat merugikan masyarakat.


Komplotan Pencuri Mobil Spesialis Pengunjung Restoran

Bak Mobil Sendiri, Masih Sempat Bayar Parkir
Komplotan pencuri mobil mulai memakai modus baru.
Yaitu, memilih sasaran pengunjung restoran atau rumah makan. Kenapa memilih sasaran tersebut?

Seperti kejadian di depan Restoran Terbang Bulan, Jalan KH Mas Mansyur, Tambora, Jakarta Barat kemarin sore.
Seorang pengunjung, Aryanto Gunawan, 41, terbengong-bengong seusai makan di restoran tersebut. Sebab dia tidak lagi melihat mobilnya, Toyota Grand Extra warna biru di tempat parkiran depan.

Padahal sebelum meninggalkan mobilnya, korban mengunci stir mobil dengan kunci stang. Alarm mobil juga aktif. Lalu korban makan di restoran membutuhkan waktu sekitar setengah jam.

Di tempat tersebut juga ada seorang tukang parkir namun begitu sibuknya. Diduga kawanan penjahat sudah stand by di sekitar lokasi tersebut. Sampai tiba saat yang paling pas, pelaku yang diduga lebih dari satu orang itu mulai beraksi.

Mereka mencongkel kunci mobil korban menggunakan kunci palsu. Yang aneh, pelaku mempu melumpuhkan sistem keamanan mobil. Buktinya alarm tidak berbunyi maupun sedangkan kunci stang mobil bisa bobol.

Kemungkinan pelaku menggergaji stang tersebut atau mencongkel lubang kuncinya. Cara pertama tentu membutuhkan waktu lebih lama. Berarti kini mengunci stang mobil atau mengaktifkan alarmnya bukan jaminan aman lagi.

Pencuri tersebut juga bisa menyalakan mesin mobil. Lantas, bak pemilik mobil yang sesungguhnya, komplotan pencuri itu mulai menjalankan mobil curiannya. Bahkan tukang parkir yang semula turut membantu. Setelah itu penjahat juga membayar ongkos parkir.

Nah setelah mendapat jalan, penjahat itu tancap gas. Rupanya si tukang parkir itu tidak hafal dengan pemilik mobil tersebut.
Jadi, dia membiarkan saja aksi pencurian itu tanpa kecurigaan sedikitpun.

Itulah kualitas tukang parkir liar. Giliran pemilik mobil yang bertanya kepadanya, barulah dia bingung. Namun korban akhirnya memilih untuk melapor ke polisi dengan kejadian yang menimpanya itu.

Kejadian yang sama persis juga berlangsung di Kebon Jeruk, Jakarta Barat. Korbannya berinisial ED, manajer pamasaran di salah satu TV Swasta ternama. Kala itu ED bersama sopirnya dan tiga orang rekannya makan di restoran di wilayah perumahan Green Villa.

Setelah makan selama setengah jam, dia tidak menjumpai lagi mobil Kijang Kapsul miliknya alias hilang diembat maling. Akhirnya korban melapor ke Mapolsektro Kebon Jeruk.

Diduga penjahat yang satu ini senang beraksi di restoran karena korbannya lengah. Sebab dalam kondisi lapar, korban akan berkonsentrasi ke menu makanan. Mobil yang diparkir tidak perlu difikirkan lagi karena dianggap aman ada tukang parkir.


Kasih Kejutan, Malah Terkejut Beneran

Diposting oleh chikuz - frizia | 12:43 AM

Kasih Kejutan, Malah Terkejut Beneran

Selasa, 18-03-2008 00:23:31

SETIAP lelaki ingin memberikan kejutan kepada kekasihnya. Demikian pula yang ada di benak Lefkos Hajji. Lelaki asal London itu berniat melamar belahan jiwanya dengan cara tidak biasa.

"Dia memasukkan cincin pertunangan bermata berlian untuk pacarnya itu ke dalam balon berisi helium. Tujuannya, agar sang kekasih, Leanne, terus mengingat peristiwa romantis itu sepanjang masa."

Namun, apa daya. Cincin tunangan yang dibelinya senilai 12 ribu dolar AS (sekitar Rp 11,10 juta), melayang bersama balonnya. Balon tersebut terlepas dari tangannya karena angin kencang begitu dia meninggalkan toko perhiasan.

Pria 28 tahun itu hanya bisa melihat cincinnya terbang bersama keinginannya untuk melamar sang gadis.

"Saya tidak mempercayai hal itu," ujarnya pada harian The Sun sambil menatap langit. "Saya hanya melihatnya terbang menjauh dan semakin menjauh ke udara."

Hajji merasa seperti orang bodoh yang membuang keberuntunganya cuma-cuma. Hajji langsung mencari balon 'mewah' itu selama dua jam dengan mengendarai mobil. Namun, balon itu tidak ditemukan.

Ditambahkan Hajji, kekasihnya langsung murka begitu mendengar kisah tersebut. "Ketika saya ceritakan yang sebenarnya, dia (Leanne) sangat marah dan tidak akan berbicara dengan saya sampai saya membelikannya cincin baru," jelasnya. Meski sudah menghilang, Hajji masih berharap cincinnya akan turun dan dia menemukannya.


Ukur Kemesraan Anda dalam Hal Seks

Diposting oleh chikuz - frizia | 12:24 AM

Ukur Kemesraan Anda dalam Hal Seks


Senin, 17-03-2008 22:29:24

KEINTIMAN atau kemesraan seksual merupakan perasaan yang luar biasa. Keintiman merupakan hubungan yang erat, mesra dan adanya komunikasi (Rosenbluth & Stell,1995), baik yang berkaitan dengan hubungan seksual atau pun tidak.

Kemesraan atau keintiman juga tidak hanya terletak pada aktivitas bercinta yang Anda lakukan di tempat tidur semata. Namun Anda juga bisa mencari banyak cara untuk meningkatkan keintiman Anda dan pasangan Anda.

Menurut ahli seksologi, Anne Hooper, perasaan intim atau mesra ini bisa saja terkikis atau pudar bahkan dalam waktu singkat. Hilangnya kemesraaan dapat timbul akibat ucapan yang tak terpikirkan ataupun sikap ketidaksabaran yang ditunjukkan salah satu pihak.

Kemesraan atau keintiman juga merupakan bagian penting dalam menentukan keawetan sebuah hubungan. Jika Anda gagal memberi perhatian atau kehangatan pada pasangan, hubungan seks yang Anda jalani akan kehilangan unsur paling berarti, dan cenderung akan sulit merealisasikan potensi sebenarnya.

Penting pula artinya bagi Anda untuk mengetahui seberapa besar kemesraan terhadap pasangan. Sejauh mana Anda mampu mengatasi rintangan serta menumbuhkan kemesraan saat melakukan seks?

Berikut adalah kuisioner yang dapat membantu mengungkapkan seberapa mesra Anda terhadap pasangan khususnya ketika dikaitkan dengan aktivitas seksual.

1.Sebelum Anda dan pasangan melakukan seks, apakah Anda selalu membelai atau menyentuh lembut bagian tubuh masing-masing?
a. Selalu, karena ini merupakan bagian penting dalam membangun sebuah hubungan seks.
b. Kadang-kadang, tergantung pada mood.
c. Dilakukan seperlunya sekedar pemanasan sebelum hubungan seks.

2. Apakah Anda mempertimbangkan seks oral dengan pasangan?
a. Ini merupakan bagian penting dan selalu rutin dilakukan dalam aktivitas seks Anda.
b. Kadang-kadang saja dilakukan, namun bagian dari aktivitas seks.
c. Sesuatu yang jarang sekali Anda lakukan bersama pasangan.

3. Setelah ngeseks, apakah Anda?
a. Memeluk dan mendekap pasangan Anda sepanjang malam?
b. Mencium dan merangkul pasangan kemudian tidur di samping pasangan?
c. Membalikan badan dan tidur begitu saja.

4. Anda ingin mencoba sebuah posisi baru dengan pasangan, apakah Anda?
a. Dengan semangat menyarankan padanya tentang posisi baru itu ketika berjumpa lagi dengannya.
b. Menunggu hingga Anda dan dia bersama-sama di ranjang dan menyarankan untuk mencobanya.
c. Mencoba untuk menuntun pasangan pada posisi baru itu ketika Anda berhubungan intim.

5. Anda pulang ke rumah dan kemudian menemukan sang kekasih tengah asik berendam dengan busa sabun. Apakah Anda?
a. Bergegas melucuti semua pakaian Anda dan ikut berendam.
b. Menawarkan padanya untuk membersihkan bagian tubuh indahnya.
c. Mengeluh padanya karena semua air panas sudah terpakai.

6. Pasangan Anda menanyakan sesuatu yang berkaitan dengan kisah seks Anda. Apakah Anda
a. Dengan senang Anda akan menjawabnya secara detil
b. Menjawabnya dengan sedikit isyarat yang menggoda
c. Merasa paranoid dan menolak untuk memberi jawaban secara langsung.

7. Anda baru saja beranjak dari shower untuk mengambil handuk. Lalu pasangan Anda tiba-tiba menghampiri dan masuk ke kamar mandi. Apakah Anda;
a. Akan menarik tangannya kemudian meminta dia untuk mengeringkan tubuh Anda?
b. Anda sibuk sendiri mengeringkan tubuh sambil berbicara padanya ketika di kamar mandi.
c. Anda ingin privasi. Meminta pasangan Anda keluar, lalu mengunci pintu kamar mandi.

8. Malam paling ideal bagi Anda bersama pasangan adalah :
a. Berduaan di tempat tidur menonton tayangan menggairahkan dan kemudian bercinta denganya sepanjang malam.
b. Saling berpelukan di sofa, kemudian tanpa disadari Anda bercinta dengan pasangan di lantai ruang tamu.
c. Menikmati bir, pesan makanan, nonton TV, seks instan dan kemudian tertidur lelap begitu saja di ranjang.

9. Anda pikir, Anda mungkin saat ini tengah jatuh cinta pada kekasih baru. Apakah Anda;
a. Mengatakan isi hati Anda kepadanya ketika bertemu lagi di suatu waktu.
b. Menunggu hingga kekasih Anda mengatakan cintanya dan kemudian Anda membalasnya.
c. Tidak merasa Anda harus mengatakannya sama sekali, justru dia yang harus dapat mengatakannya.

10.Ketika Anda dan pasangan berjalan bersama di keramaian. Apakah Anda;
a. Senang untuk memegang tangannya, merangkul dan mencium daripada hanya sekedar menemani.
b. Terkadang memegang tangannya, namun tak pernah melakukannya di depan orang yang Anda kenal.
c. Hanya melakukan hal-hal mesra tadi sebatas di rumah.

Temukan Jawaban Anda

DOMINAN JAWABAN A: Anda Termasuk Sangat Intim


Bakrie & Brothers Catat Rekor Akuisisi

Diposting oleh chikuz - frizia | 12:12 AM
Bakrie & Brothers Catat Rekor Akuisisi

Bentuk Strategic Investment Company Senilai Rp 48,46 T
JAKARTA - Group Bakrie makin kukuh menancapkan bisnisnya di sektor pertambangan dan properti. Pemegang saham PT Bakrie & Brothers Tbk secara aklamasi menyetujui agenda manajemen mengakuisisi tiga perusahaan berstatus go public. Dana akuisisi yang digelontorkan Bakrie & Brothers Rp 48,46 triliun.

Transaksi yang dilakukan Bakrie & Brothers merupakan proses akuisisi terbesar yang tercatat di Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI).
Bahkan, nilainya melebihi transaksi Phillip Morris saat mengakuisisi HM Sampoerna. Pada 2005, nilai akuisisi Phillip Morris Rp 18 triliun.

Akuisisi ini merupakan bagian rencana Bakrie Group untuk membentuk strategic investment company. Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham (RUPS) emiten berkode saham BNBR itu juga menyetujui anggaran yang akan dipakai untuk akuisisi. Yakni melalui right issue (penerbitan saham baru) dan pinjaman eksternal.

Ketiga perusahaan publik yang diambil alih sahamnya adalah PT Bumi Resources Tbk sebanyak 35 persen dengan nilai total pembelian Rp 36,9 triliun. Kemudian PT Energi Mega Persada Tbk dengan nilai Rp 7,2 triliun untuk mengambil alih 40 persen saham perseroan. Dan yang terakhir adalah PT Bakrie Land Development Tbk senilai Rp 4,36 triliun, yang setara dengan 40 persen kepemilikan saham.

"Ketiga perusahaan target akuisisi ini adalah perusahaan-perusahaan yang sedang tumbuh pesat. Kami juga telah mendapatkan kesepakatan harga yang terbaik dan atraktif untuk mengakuisisi tiga perusahaan tersebut," ungkap Direktur Keuangan Bakrie & Brothers Yuanita Rohali dalam jumpa pers usai RUPS kemarin (17/03). Bakrie & Brothers menargetkan right issue akan rampung pada 22 April 2008.

Dalam kesempatan yang sama RUPS juga menyetujui langkah perseroan untuk menerbitkan saham baru melalui Hak Memesan Efek terlebih Dahulu (HMTED) atau rights issue sebesar Rp 40,118 triliun. Sekitar 92,8 persen dana hasil rights issue yang setara dengan Rp 37,044 triliun akan digunakan untuk membeli tiga perusahaan target akuisisi. Sementara sisanya akan dipakai untuk perlunasan atas pinjaman jangka pendek.

"Sumber dana yang akan digunakan untuk menutupi kekurangan dana dari hasil akuisisi akan berasal dari pinjaman pihak ketiga yang kini dalam proses negosiasi," imbuh Yuanita. Sebagai langkah awal menjadi strategic investment company, Bakrie & Brothers menyerahkan tiga proyek infrastruktur dengan nilai USD 2,9 miliar pada anak usahanya yang baru dibentuk, PT Bakrie Indo Infrastructure. "Proyek tersebut adalah pembangunan pipa (pipe line) senilai USD 1,2 miliar, pembangkit listrik (power plant) senilai USD 1,4 miliar, dan untuk jalan tol (tol road) senilai USD 300 juta," imbuh Yuanita.

Sepanjang 2007, tercatat dua transaksi terbesar dalam proses akuisisi. Pertama, saat Prajogo Pangestu melalui Barito Pacific mengakuisisi Star Energy dan Chandra Asri Petrochemical Centre senilai Rp 10 triliun. Lalu Anthony Salim melalui Indofood mengakusisi 64,4 persen Lonsum senilai Rp 8,4 triliun. "Akuisisi yang fenomenal pada 2007 adalah yang dilakukan Barito dan Indofood," ujar pengamat pasar modal Felix Sindhuinata.


Cut to Saudi benchmark lending rate doubtful

Diposting oleh chikuz - frizia | 8:55 PM
Cut to Saudi benchmark lending rate doubtful
by Daliah Merzaban on Sunday, 24 February 2008

The Saudi central bank is unlikely to cut its repurchase rate, the benchmark lending rate, in response to further easing by the US Federal Reserve as it seeks to stem money supply growth, the vice governor said.With its riyal pegged to the dollar, the world's largest oil exporter has been striving to track US monetary policy as the Federal Reserve slashes interest rates to help ward off recession while the Saudi economy surges."Our monetary policy will continue to address our own domestic circumstances without undermining the credibility of our peg," Muhammed Al Jasser, vice governor of the Saudi Arabian Monetary Agency, told newswire Reuters in an interview.

As the Fed reduced interest rates by 225 basis points to 3% since September 18, Saudi Arabia has followed by cutting only its reverse repurchase rate, which guides deposit rates, to the same level in order to deter bets on an appreciation of the riyal.It has kept the benchmark repurchase rate, at which banks borrow from the central bank, steady at 5.5%, in order to prevent lower borrowing costs from stoking inflation, Al Jasser said."The repo rate, which is equivalent to the US Fed benchmark, has not gone down. The signal is that there will be no infusion of liquidity through the central bank to the economy," Al Jasser said.Wall Street dealers unanimously expect the Fed to cut interest rates again by at least 25 basis points at its meeting in March, a Reuters poll showed this month.Inflation in Saudi Arabia hit 7% in January, its highest in more than 25 years, pushing real interest rates - official lending rates minus inflation - into negative territory.Negative real rates makes it cheaper for people to borrow than keep money in a bank deposit, encouraging investment in assets such as real estate and stocks.But lower interest rates would not necessarily stoke credit growth being primarily driven by public sector spending, which is surging due to a near five-fold rise in oil prices since 2002, Al Jasser said."Inflationary pressures are primarily due to a very dynamic economic activity due to large government spending, which is also fuelling large private-sector spending," he said."Therefore, changes in interest rates don't affect that liquidity creation by the public sector."The central bank has soaked up liquidity by raising reserve requirements twice since November to force lenders to keep more money in their vaults in a bid to slow down credit growth, another trigger of inflation.Its reverse repurchase facility "is also mopping up some liquidity", Al Jasser said, without giving details.Money supply growth in the kingdom fell to 19.6% in December, a month after the central bank raised the reserve requirement to 9% from 7%. It boosted the reserve ratio to 10% in January.Economists, including Standard Chartered Bank's head of regional research Marios Maratheftis, have said tightening lending curbs would have little impact in restraining money supply growth.Al Jasser disagreed. "Credit to the private sector has not grown by the same rate of growth in deposits, which indicates the dampening affect of our monetary policy instruments," he said.A 1% rise in the reserve requirement would curb money supply growth by 41.95 billion riyals ($11.19 billion), just 2.9% of total potential money creation, Maratheftis said in a note this month. (Reuters)


Super Utilities Pro 2008 v7.8.1979

Diposting oleh chikuz - frizia | 7:47 PM

Super Utilities - Make your computer run faster, safer, with greater privacy and security. With only a few minutes of tweaking, Super Utilities will optimize the performance of your computer, corrects problems and helps you to customize your system to suit your needs.

Super Utilities (for Windows9x/ME/NT/XP/2000/2003) is a collection of tools to fix, speed up, and maintain your PC! These utilities include Disk Cleaner, Registry Cleaner, Uninstall Plus, StartUp Manager, Folder Guard, Tracks Washer, Driver Backup, Auto Shutdown, Windows Manager and Process Manager. With a cool and user-friendly interface makes it easy for anyone to use Super Utilities.

sizeSize: 5.05 MB


TBS Cover Editor

Diposting oleh chikuz - frizia | 7:38 PM

TBS Cover Editor | 7,68 MB
TBS Cover Editor is a powerful application that will eliminate superfluous operations and files, reduce overheads, thus saving your time. With the TBS Cover Editor you can create your 3D box shot design in a single flat worksheet. Say goodbye to separate designs for each side; no more design slices in many image files. The single-sheet concept of the TBS Cover Editor allows you editing of all box sides on a single screen. The real time 3D preview immediately shows how your 3D box shot output image looks like without switching between different windows or applications.

Save yourself money: no extra designers or tools are require

With the TBS Cover Editor no additional expensive third party tools are required. The program supports
all the steps of box shot creation: from drafting and design, to 3D scene setting and image rendering. The TBS Cover Editor has a rich toolkit for graphics creation and processing, including simple shapes, text labels, bitmap images, artistic texts and vector objects.

You can quickly create a nice looking box cover by combining special effects that were previously only available in high-priced professional image processing programs. The TBS Cover Editor comes with a large clipart library of common shapes and signs. You can create professional-quality 3D box shots with no extra expense in a single program.

Get instant results: quick start, easy work, and immediate output

The TBS Cover Editor comes with a brilliant collection of software cover design templates for various types of software. The Design Wizard helps you to get started quickly. You can make a box cover in less than two minutes. Choose a template and just add your software info such as your product name, company, and web site URL to create a custom box cover design.

You can easily tweak the templates or create new templates with your corporate identity style. In two clicks you can set up a 3D scene and render your box shot image.

Your every box shot will look as if it is made by a studio!



AdSenseLog ver.4.5.5

Diposting oleh chikuz - frizia | 2:32 AM

AdSenseLog ver.4.5.5 3,47 MB
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With the huge success Google?s Adsense has been reaping, there are nowonly a handful of sites you?ll see that doesn?t feature Adsense ontheir sites. Everyone is hoping that they could make huge earningsfrom this pay-per-click affiliate program scheme Google has launched.
While there are many success stories (they are true) of sites thathave generated good income from Adsense, there are still some sitesthat couldn?t grasp the real way of making an earning from Adsense.

This is because many people have failed to generate the needed factorsto create a successful site that compliments the features Adsenseprovides. Many webmasters just put up or create mediocre sites andplace Adsense on their site and just sits back and waits for the cashto roll in.
If that is the mentality of a site owner, then he won't earn fromAdsense. Remember, a mediocre site will also get mediocre earnings.

To finally realize the Adsense dream, a webmaster must produce a sitethat has the factors and characteristics needed to generate thetraffic and clicks it needs to be profitable. There are many things awebmaster needs to do to achieve this and be one of the millions ofsites who have successfully done so. But there are so much more thingsa site owner has failed to do to make their site more Adsensefriendly.
Here are five reasons why many Adsense sites don?t make money

1) There are no good keywords on the site.
Many sites have failed to do the very essence of search engineoptimization, Good Keywords. The internet has many websites competingfor the attention of the ?netizens? and many sites contain the same oralmost the same subjects, topics or niches. To date, Google issearching at over three billion sites; good keywords can get you agood lead above all the other sites.
It is essential that you research well on finding the good keywordsyour site can use to generate the traffic and get a high ranking onthe search engines results. If many internet users are directed toyour site, you get a huge opportunity to get great traffic. Withtraffic comes the profit.
In making money you must spend some. Invest in a good program thatsearches good and proper keywords for your site. These keywords thatpeople are looking for changes and varies, a good keyword searcher isan investment that just keeps on giving.

2) The site doesn?t provide a good niche.
To get the attention of the people, you must provide a site that canperk up the interest of the people. Adsense works well if you maintaina good number of traffic, you have to keep the people?s interest onyour site and have a group of people to keep coming back to your siteand have them recommend it.
You must also find a niche wherein these groups of people areinterested in. Find the right niche and you?ll find the right group ofpeople that are willing to spend some money.

3) The site owner doesn?t maintain or update their site.
You can only maintain the interest of a person for a short period oftime. Many websites have failed to keep up the traffic they generatefor their failure to keep their site updated. Immerse yourself in yourniche and try to find out what?s new and what?s hot.
You have to serve something new to the people or if not, try to keepabreast with the developments of your niche or maybe add some sub-niches on your site that still pertains to your niche to get newtraffic and keep the attention of your clients in your site.

4) Some website owners don?t provide the full attention to theirAdsense sites.
Many people just see their sites as a way to earn some extra money.You have to treat Adsense sites as a full size business to make itbig. With the heavy competition you have, a good webmaster shouldtreat their site as if it is their main source of income but stillmaintain a good schedule of their time.

5) Many webmasters have failed to devout time and research to theirAdsense site.
Many elements are needed to build a successful Adsense site. Goodkeywords and the right niches can roll in the dough, but this takestime and effort. It is imperative to devout a certain amount of timein looking for ways to develop your Adsense site.
The internet is abound of sites that could help your own site. Alittle time, money and hard work can spell the huge difference betweena successful Adsense site and a mediocre one.


Build an Effective Adsense Site

Diposting oleh chikuz - frizia | 1:17 AM
What do you think about your adsense performance? Do you think you have a formula to success? High traffic? Content? Not really? I am going to write this post, in order to tell you more what should be included in this formula.

The trick to putting up an Adsense site that actually makes money is this: You need to have a site that displays ads with the most profitable keywords available and get traffic to your site the cheap way (or even free of charge) as possible.

So how do you know what are the most profitable keywords? You can use the Google AdWords Traffic estimator. The basic functionality is available for anyone to use, even without an AdWords account. Just enter your keywords in the text box at the top. You can leave all the other fields blank for now. Push the Continue button at the bottom of the page and you will see how much each of your keywords costs to get the #1-3 spot in Google AdWords.

How does this help you to find profitable Adsense keywords? First of all, you are splitting the price of the keyword with Google every time someone clicks on your ad. The actual percentage is not know, but most experts agree that it is about 50%. If a keyword costs $20 for the number 1 spot and someone clicks an ad on your page that uses that keyword, then you will get somewhere around $10!

You should know that high priced keywords do not mean high levels of traffic. The traffic estimator will also tell you the number of clicks per day that each keyword is getting in the number one spot. What you need are keywords that are a balance between the most money and the most clicks per day.

Another thing you need to know before building an Adsense site is which keywords to use to bring in the most traffic. You don't want to go up against ten million other sites that are all talking about the same thing that you are. What you need is a niche topic, something that people are hungry for information about. Here is a step by step process for finding a niche topic.Download a free keyword tool from

When you get it, enter the most general keyword about your topic that you can find. It will give you a list of related keywords from the Overture search engine along with the number of times each one of those keywords was searched for in the last month.

For every keyword that the Good Keywords gives you, enter the following search into Google: allintitle:yourkeyword. Look at the number of results that Google displays for each keyword.Divide the number of results by the number of searches and you will come up with what is commonly referred to as the R/S ratio. In economics, this is called Supply/Demand.
Look for keywords that have a high number of search, but a low R/S ratio. I wouldn't choose any keyword unless there were at least 1000 searches per month and an R/S ratio of 2.0 or less.Take the most profitable keywords in this group and build your Adsense pages around them.Alright, so you have the most profitable keywords that are in high demand. You now need to have some content related to each keyword in order to get Goggle to put the right kind of ads on your page. You can either write this content yourself, or you can go to one of the many free article websites on the net and grab some free articles related to your keyword. Just make sure to give the author credit for the article, it's not nice to steal.

Once you have your article, start putting your Adsense ads in the middle of the article, about once every few paragraphs or so. I have found that this is the most effective way to get people to click on your ads. You are allowed up the three sets of Adsense ads per page, so place them wisely.

That is really all there is to making a profitable Adsense site. Just find the best keywords, get some articles about them, add your Adsense to them, drive traffic to these pages, and start making money.
About the authorAlex Hudson, freelance articles writer that is currently researching on online advertising for univeristy in Ireland

Knowing how to find the best keywords for use in your Adsense ads isnot a straightforward process. Finding and implementing high profit,low competition keywords in your ads really is the trick for makingAdsense payoff big.
The following process should yield profitable, low competitionkeywords for your Adsense ads. This process is not perfect, but whenyou analyze it and try it for yourself, you can see that it makessense. Adsense that is.

Step 1
Research some keywords for your niche that have a high CPCvalue. To do this, first find your keywords using the Google Adwordskeyword tool or another tool that will give you niche specific listsof keywords. Save those keywords into a spreadsheet program as a csvfile. Copy and paste those keywords into Google's Traffic Estimator(you will need an Adwords account). The traffic estimator will giveyou the estimated clicks per day and the average cost per click (CPC)for each keyword. Copy and paste this information back into yourspreadsheet file for later reference.

Step 2
Multiply the average CPC by 30% to get an estimate of yourmaximum earnings per click. The higher the average CPC, the morelikely the CPC for the 2nd - 8th positions are high as well. You wantthis higher average CPC to start because if the CPC starts to drop offsignificantly after the 3rd position, your chance of getting highclick earnings as an Adsense publisher will be diminished.

Step 3
Use any one of many tools available on the internet for helpingto estimate the 1st - 8th position CPC values. These tools willestimate the CPCs for each position and allow you to see how much theCPCs drop off after the first position. This dramatically helps youranalysis for picking the most profitable keywords. If the CPC valuesstay close to the each other and to the value of the first position,then you will more than likely have a profitable keyword.

Step 4
Now determine which Adsense ads occupy which positions. You cando this by searching on Google for your keyword and looking to seewhich Adsense ads are generated in the search results and in whichorder they are. Another way to estimate this is to use the AdwordsAccelerator tool. It has a feature whereby Adwords ads are dynamicallydisplayed for a given keyword you input into the tool to check. If theAdwords advertiser has used "Adwords for Content" in his advertising,these ads will be the Adsense ads someone else is displaying on theirwebsite.

Step 5
Compare the ads you found in step 4 to the results of using akeyword check function tool (available on the internet). If theadvertisers you find by doing this closely match those you found instep 4, you will more than likely have a profitable keyword.
If the advertisers are not he same, then the advertiser is possiblynot using the "Adwords for Content" mode of advertising in hiscampaigns. This means that the keyword may not be the basis for theAdsense ads and may not be profitable.

Step 6
Now you must get the traffic. If you decide to get trafficusing the Adwords approach, then just use the keywords in your Adsenseads that scored well from the above evaluation. Then, use lower costper click keywords in your Adwords ads. The difference between theearnings from the click you get on your Adsense word from the cost ofthe click you pay on your Adwords word will be your profit.
If you are planning to use search engine optimization techniques toget traffic to the website where your ads are, make sure the keywordsyou choose have the highest KEI possible. KEI is the ratio of thenumber of searches for a keyword to the number of competing siteshaving the keyword. The combination of a high KEI and a high scorefrom the above evaluation will yield the best profit results.


Updated And Working Rapidleech List

Diposting oleh chikuz - frizia | 1:29 AM

Well where should I start? I was one of the MANY people who tried to find a profitable internet business to make extra income. I bought every single money making ebook and tried just about every program out there. Though, most were scams, those that did work, made me no more than a few dollars.
I recall coming home from work everyday to sit infront of a computer searching for my internet success. I almost gave up, thinking that there was no way I was going to make a living off of this thing.
I read forums, ebook after ebook, newsletters, I tried them all. After a while I learned the tricks of the trade, and developed the knowledge of how everything works and I finally did it.
Now that I'm situated in my life, I'll provide you with My Free service that made me lots of money. Though there's one thing I found out and remember this, There is no way you can make money online, without spending money.
Here are some simple steps to get you started:
1. Get Web Hosting and a Domain Name.
2. Sign up for Adsense.
3. Start Building Content and your Website with Xsite Pro.
4. Promote, Advertise and everything else in your power to get traffic.
5. Watch the money start pouring in.
You must learn to build and grow your website, who knows, maybe you'll start earning big money like the pro's who earn thousands a month doing nothing, except for what they love to do.
Joe Peace'll Setup an Adsense Empire for you for FREE! 200+ Content Rich Pages.
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thMesothelioma is a form of cancer that attacks the lungs, chest and abdominal area. It begins in the outer layers of the lungs and can spread through the chest wall and eventually to other parts of the body. But there is also a legal side to a mesothelioma diagnosis. Many cases have been caused by the neglect and sometimes criminal actions of companies whose number one interest was making profit when it should have been looking out for the people they employ. Many people who find themselves with a mesothelioma diagnosis are also finding an abundant supply of mesothelioma lawyers that can deliver them justice and monetary reparations.

Mesothelioma is a disease that is caused by exposure to asbestos. There is no other known cause of this disease.

Asbestos is a material that is very strong and heat resistant. This makes it is ideal for the use of manufacturing products and structures of all kinds. It is also a material that breaks down into a very fine dust. This dust is made up of tiny barbed like fibers that become airborne. When these fibers are inhaled they stick in the lungs and this can cause asbestosis, mesothelioma and a number of other illnesses. Most cases involve people that have had frequent exposure to asbestos at their workplace.

Currently there are over 400 items that we use in our everyday society that contain asbestos. The shipping industry uses asbestos to insulate boilers and smoke stacks. The automotive industry uses it to manufacture many different parts for their cars. The construction industry uses asbestos for insulation, concrete reinforcement and for electrical wiring to name only a few of the many different uses.

There have been laws passed in the United States in the last few decades that prohibit or restrict the use of asbestos materials, but there is still a lot of this material being used today. Many companies have ignored the laws that have been passed and continue to illegally use these materials or facilities constructed with these materials.

There is also the legal side of a mesothelioma diagnosis. Many cases of this disease have been caused by neglect or illegal behavior on the part of the patient's employer or former employer. Complying with Federal laws regarding asbestos can cut into a company's profits. For example, instead of replacing old asbestos materials at the workplace they choose to ignore the laws and hope they do not get contacted by any mesothelioma lawyers many years later. Mesothelioma can take several decades to develop in a person's body so these companies often get away with their crimes. Many patients never make the link to their asbestos exposure at their workplace because many times they have not worked at the place of exposure in many years.

There has been a lot of attention given to mesothelioma cancer in recent years. This is due to the fact that more and more people are receiving a mesothelioma diagnosis from their doctors. A mesothelioma diagnosis is bad news but it is important to know that there are legal courses of action available to anyone who has had a crime committed against them by an employer. Thanks to modern medical and scientific technology many people with a mesothelioma diagnosis have been able to trace their asbestos exposure back to their places of employment. Many of these patients have hired mesothelioma lawyers to sue their former employers. A lot of people have been awarded big settlements.

There is no shortage of mesothelioma lawyers on the internet that will fight for your cause. Just make sure you do research on them before you hire them. Just go to the Better Business Bureau (BBB) online and enter the names of the mesothelioma lawyers or law firms in the search box and you will get a history of complaints on them (if there are any). You should also do a Google search on them as well. Just go to, enter their names and you will get any information that has ever been posted on the internet about your prospective mesothelioma lawyers.

© 2006 Copyright. Michael Connelly

About The Author

Michael Connelly is an Author, Artist and award-winning Filmmaker who writes on a variety of topics that effect people in their every day lives.

Keywords: mesothelioma diagnosis, mesothelioma lawyers

Article Source : Articles Directory

Article URL : A Mesothelioma Diagnosis Sometimes Involves Mesothelioma Lawyers

Article Category : Meditation

Article Author : mconnell61